QUALITY - Nurkaucuk.az

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“Nur Kauçuk” as our quality policy:

In a modern business approach, rubber parts are designed to prevent errors in production processes, meet customer expectations according to specified specifications, quantity, time and quality, ensure customer satisfaction at the highest level and maintain trust in our company.

Our strategy to achieve this goal:

  • To ensure the efficiency, sustainable development and compliance of the Quality Management System,
  • To ensure that quality targets are set and followed
  • To follow the technology closely
  • To have the concept of sustainable development,
  • To ensure that quality responsibility is shared by all employees through training and motivation,
  • Application of supplier industry relations in long-term and mutual information exchange conditions
Developed by AYVUS.COM
Azerbaijan, Baku-Sumgait highway 12th km

+994 12 409 28 33  | +994 50 235 23 23  | +994 50 339 93 75
satis@nurkaucuk.az  | info@nurkaucuk.az
As your solution partner for rubber products, we manufacture all types of rubber according to your requirements and specifications.

If you place an order, we will manufacture.
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